Posted by on Apr 16, 2015 in The markITbyte Blog | Comments Off on “FAST IS FINE, BUT ACCURACY IS EVERYTHING!”




Your orders are always fulfilled fast and accurately, right? That’s how order fulfillment is supposed to work. Sometimes, however, “real life” inserts itself into business life. The quote, “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything,” is attributed to the famous 19th century western lawman Wyatt Earp. Of course, he was referring to using a six-shooter. But his quote is true for manufacturing, too.

How can you keep on top of your order accuracy — especially if you have multiple locations? Orders are placed. Orders are fulfilled. Invoices are sent. Yet these three don’t always match up. WordPress Enterprise Framework allows you to keep up on order-to-invoice accuracy. This enables you to quickly identify problems and those plants (or locations) that are experiencing them.

What I Learned About Orders at the Bakery

Inaccurate orders are something we have almost come to accept. We might expect this from a fast food drive thru. But recently I was waiting for my coffee and scone at a large bakery. Next to me, one customer was comparing her large bag full of baked goods to her mile-long receipt. There were errors with her order. It was taking a long time to make things right.

Just then, another customer came up to the counter, highly irate. She had gotten to work before finding out that her order was not filled accurately. But today, she had driven all the way back to the bakery since, she said, “This is the second time my order was messed up this week!”

When orders and invoices don’t match up, you lose trust with your customers; but order accuracy builds satisfied and loyal customers.

Ancient Sales Proverb

4 Ways WordPress Enterprise Framework Improves Order Accuracy

WordPress Enterprise Framework was designed to work with your ERP systems to put key tracking tools right on your management dashboard. You can easily view order accuracy related information from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Here are four views to consider:

  • Order Accuracy: Correlates sales orders against invoices for each location. It shows accuracy by percentage, displaying 7 days, MTD and YTD in one display for easy comparison.
  • Missing Items by Location: Uses a color-coded donut chart to show SKUs that were ordered but not shipped by location. Filter by MTD or YTD. This displays the selected location along with thumbnail images of other locations.
  • Orders with Discrepancies by Location Chart: This quick view displays a stack chart showing orders with discrepancies YTD by location. Select from stacked, stream, or expanded views.
  • Orders with Discrepancies by Ship To: This provides a tabular view showing total number of orders and orders with discrepancies by Ship to for the previous 7 days, MTD, and YTD. Click “View Orders” for detail data for any order with discrepancies.

Why Order Accuracy Matters and What You Can Do

We don’t live in an error free world — especially in order fulfillment. It doesn’t matter how fast you are processing orders if they are not accurate. Your customers will only become disappointed and lose trust, or even get angry. Then they will begin to look for other vendors.

Whatever solution you are using, if you haven’t taken a look at markITbyte’s WordPress Enterprise Framework, why not do so today? See how you can keep your customers delighted and loyal.

Learn more about WordPress Enterprise Framework

The WordPress Enterprise Framework (WEF) is used daily to support both large and small companies. We have specialized customization for companies using Epicor LumberTrack and other SQL based ERP systems. Our custom dashboards give you the order accuracy information you need at a glance. Would you like to find out more? Contact us!